Saturday, September 18, 2010

let's get this party started

Brad really wanted me to start a blog last year, writing complaint / comment letters to companies, people, etc. He remains the sole recipient of such letters. Maybe one day.

But now tater is on the way. And I will probably have a lot to say about that, but I'm guessing only a small audience will be interested. To avoid becoming the annoying girl on Facebook who rants about why-oh-why itching must be a side effect of pregnancy, I'll write about it here! Brilliant!

To bring folks up-to-date on the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy, I'll add some post-dated pictures and posts. Here goes!


  1. ROBIN!! I didn't realize you were pregnant!! I'm So SO SO happy for you and Brad!! Can't wait to read more!

  2. Yea! I love you guys. A lot. And I love that little tater. And now I'm happy I can read your blog and remember your awesomeness even when you aren't around. Yea for BLOGS! (AND YEA FOR TATER!!!)
